Meet Nordic Strong's energy bomb, Nanna Meyer: "I’m all in for showing people how important it is to stay active”

Meet Nordic Strong's energy bomb, Nanna Meyer: "I’m all in for showing people how important it is to stay active”

Nanna Meyer is one of the founding instructors at Nordic Strong, and her never-wavering energy fills up every class she teaches at Nordic Strong with good vibes and creates the perfect scene for an unforgettable workout experience. Nanna teaches Nordic Strong, Sculpt, and Cardio.

In this article, you can get to know Nanna, figure out her non-negotiables for a healthy and happy life, and what her colleagues and community mean to her. 

Can you describe a day in your life?

My day starts, at what some people would describe as in the middle of the night, around 5 am. My days are a little different depending on whether I have morning shifts teaching at Nordic Strong. But the morning coffee and a cold plunge in the Øresund are fixed routines every morning. After the plunge, I spend 15-20 minutes getting myself ready, I go for a short walk with the dog and then I'm off for the day.

I wait until 10-11 to eat my breakfast, and then I make sure I get my own workouts done in the early morning.

On days when I have earlier morning shifts, I get back in the afternoon to pick up my boys. Then the rest of the day typically contains doing homework with them and standing on the sidelines while they play football. We all gather for family dinner and family time before heading to bed. 


What does your morning routine look like? 

I always wake up on my own bright and early at the same time every day, even on weekends. That means no alarm clocks or snoozing. I love fixed routines and the calmness of early mornings, where it feels like it is just me, while the rest of the world is sleeping. 

The first thing I do is make myself a cup of coffee before the trip to Øresund for a cold plunge.

What are the non-negotiables in your daily routine that keep you healthy and happy?

My non-negotiables are 100% my sleep and staying active every day. It doesn't have to be a workout, for me being active is just as much about getting your daily steps in. At the moment I have a challenge with myself about reaching 10,000 steps before 10 am. 


What fuels your fire? 

I’m all in for showing people how important it is to stay active, no matter what age or what stage we are in in our life. Our energy is our power, and that is why teaching at Nordic Strong gives me so much energy because I get to share this message.  

An active everyday life gets the endorphins going, helps us to think positively and get in a good mood. And is there anything more amazing than a happy person full of energy?

How did you become a part of the Nordic Strong team, and what drew you to this workout concept?

Back in early 2022 my badass boss, Nicoline, reached out and asked if I wanted to join an event at her parents' house in Humlebæk, I was completely sold after this training.

I had destroyed my cruciate ligament the year before by skiing and was still finding new approaches to training, as running and other high-impact forms still didn't work for me. I was truly impressed by how hard and varied training you can get out of the Nordic Trainer. Even if the workout is low impact, it gives a great workout, makes you stronger and is great for rehabilitation. 

After the event, I did not doubt that I wanted to join the wild journey that lay ahead for Nordic Stong, and what a journey it has already been! I can't even describe how proud I am of all my colleagues, especially the first crew. None of us had any idea what was in store for us, but we all jumped into Nicoline's Nordic universe with an open mind and just laid the rails as they came, which gave us a very special bond. This has also affected our members, they can feel the passion we all have for the machine, and we managed to create a true community around the Nordic Strong Studio.


What are your favorite workouts or exercises to teach, and why?

I enjoy teaching our three classes, Strong, Sculpt, and Cardio. They have all been a journey for me, and I put effort into mixing my twist into the classes I teach, always giving the attendees a unique experience. 

However, I particularly enjoy the Strong Class. It’s the mix with the best of both worlds - strong and cardio. Those who’ve been in my class know that I am full of energy and love  upbeat music and lots of abs and butt exercises.


How do you stay current with fitness trends and continue to develop your skills as an instructor?

I’m always curious and inspired when people around me talk about new workout trends and immediately ready to try them. But my colleagues are definitely my biggest inspiration. I love to soak up their knowledge and to use this to always challenge and improve myself. I think I’m my own biggest critic and a perfectionist down to the bone, I never and probably never will be completely satisfied, which constantly keeps me on my toes as I want to master what I do.

What advice would you give to someone new to fitness or considering joining Nordic Strong?

Just jump into it, fitness isn't just about the perfect shape and body, it's about moving your body and getting some endorphins going, and most importantly having fun and feeling good about yourself after training. 

Nordic Strong offers a new type of workout, so you need a bit of patience with yourself as you get into the workout and learn how to use the Nordic Trainer. But stay patient, and you will pick it up in no time. I get so proud when I see our community show up again and again and I get to enjoy their progress. 

What do you enjoy most about working at Nordic Strong?

The community without a doubt. The members, and my colleagues are my family away from the family. 


What do you think sets Nordic Strong apart from other workout concepts in Copenhagen?

The overall experience, the international vibe mixed up with the Nordic feeling, the light, cross skiing, our saunagus, everything is mixed and expressed in a completely different and unique way, which allows for a full experience. 

And I just love how all the members feel at home in the studio and they give so much back. You can feel it's not just about training, it's also about being a part of a community while staying active together.

What are your favorite spots in Copenhagen?

Copenhagen has so much to offer that I don't know where to start… I love small dishes and sharing food, especially accompanied by good girlfriends. Right now I am into the restaurants Bobe, Ambra and Frank. And Hanzo is a classic. 

But besides that, a typical place to find me will be along the harbor front and Øresund. I grew up sailing as a child, and being by the ocean, and watching sunrises and sunsets have a special importance for me. Luckily Copenhagen is surrounded by water. 

Want more from our energetic and inspiring instructors? Get to know our head coach, Jamilla, here and sign up to try one of Nanna’s classes here.