Terms and Conditions for Members at Nordic Strong

1.  General

These membership terms are legally binding and apply to all individuals (hereinafter referred to as “the Member”) who have duly registered for any type of access, including an active membership, class pass, or SaunaGus session pass with Nordic Strong ApS, a company duly registered at c/o Select Partners Amaliegade 14, 2., 1256 København K, bearing CVR number 41830875, hereinafter referred to as “the Company.” All such registrations confer access rights to the Company's fitness studios: The Nordic Strong Studio and Nordic Revival (hereinafter collectively referred to as “the Studios”), located at Fortkaj 5 and Stubkaj 7E, 2150 Nordhavn, following these binding terms.

1.1. Applicability

Clause 3, 5, 8, and 9 of these terms specifically pertain to members of Soho House Copenhagen and guests at STAY Nordhavn. Clause 10 of these terms and conditions specifically applies to Members of the Sauna Club at The Nordic Strong Studio. In the event of any legal doubts or inconsistencies, these Sauna Club terms shall be interpreted in conjunction with the general terms and conditions outlined in this document to ensure comprehensive understanding and adherence.

1.2. Ownership and Terminology

It is important to note that the ownership of the Studio by the Company means that any reference within these terms to the Studio is inherently interchangeable with references to the Company. The Studio's operating hours can be found on  the NS Studio’s website.  

2. Membership

2.1. Terms for setting up a membership

When establishing a membership, a class pass or a Sauna Gus session pass the Member must provide their name, birthday, address, e-mail, and account/card number. If the Member’s contact information or bank details are subsequently changed, the Company must be notified immediately. It is the Member’s responsibility to ensure that the Company has the Member’s correct contact information at all times. 

2.2. Online registration

Online registration is open 24/7 through the NS Studio’s website. It's important to note that Members are prohibited from participating in any Studio activities or utilizing Membership benefits until they have explicitly agreed to these Membership Terms and registered their payment information.

Please be aware that the Company holds no liability for any issues about the availability, outages, glitches, or technical problems associated with the NS Studio’s website or the Nordic Strong Studio app, including but not limited to registration and cancellation processes.

2.3. Membership types

A compilation of the Company’s available membership types and specific conditions, rules, additional purchases, and services for the individual membership types are available here.

All membership offerings (referred to as “membership(s)”) and class or SaunaGus session passes (referred to as “session pass(es)”) are strictly personal and cannot be used by anyone other than the registered member. These memberships and session passes provide the member with access to specific equipment and services as outlined by their chosen membership or pass type at NS Studio. The scope of services covered by each membership or session pass is detailed on the website.

2.3.1. Membership

The membership is active and valid once registration and payment have been received. The membership remains active and will automatically renew every month unless the Member decides to cancel it. The termination period is defined in clause 6 of these Terms and Conditions.

2.3.2. Class Pass and SaunaGus Session Pass 

The session passes are valid once registration and payment have been received. This information is also specified in the confirmation email and purchase receipt.

The duration period of the session passes may vary. The duration period is specified in the receipt and confirmation email from the purchase. If the confirmation email is not to be found, please contact contact@nordicstrong.com to receive a new email regarding the duration period. 

2.3.3. Students

Members with a student membership are required to provide valid identification to the reception demonstrating their current enrollment in a study program during their initial visit to NS Studio. If a Member with a student membership experiences a termination or reduction in their study program, they must promptly inform the company. It remains the Student's responsibility to maintain accurate and up-to-date study information with the Company. Nonetheless, the Company retains the right to verify the Student's identification every academic semester.

2.4. Legal incapacity and age requirements

If the Member is under 18 years of age or legally incapacitated, the Member must bring their guardian to the Studio to set up their Membership or session pass. When registering in the Studio, both parties must bring valid photo IDs. The guardian is liable for the minor’s or the legally incapacitated’s compliance with these Membership Terms and shall be responsible for any claim the Company may have against the Member according to their membership, session pass, and these Membership Terms. The minimum age for exercising in NS Studio, regardless of the consent of a guardian, is 15 years. However, NS Studio reserves the right to reduce and increase this age limit without warning.

2.5. Another payer than the Member

When setting up a membership or session pass for which someone other than the Member is paying, the Other Payer is responsible for complying with the payment conditions in these Membership Terms. The Member is responsible for complying with these Membership terms.

2.6. Member’s change of Membership type

If the Member changes a membership type bought at a promotional price (including changing their membership type during a minimum contract period), it entails the campaign price lapsing, and the Member must pay the total fee for the changes in the membership from the day the change takes effect. 

2.7. Membership on hold/bero

The Member may at any time put their Membership on hold with payment of a fee of DKK 100. However, the Member cannot put their Membership on hold during a minimum contract period. Memberships can be on hold for a minimum of 1 month and a maximum of 6 months. When A Member puts their Membership on hold, the Member must give the start and end date of the pause. When the Membership’s hold period has expired, the Membership is automatically taken up.

3. Use of Membership and Studio

3.1. House rules

The Member is responsible for familiarizing themself with and must comply with the applicable house rules. The Member’s violation of The House Rules constitutes a breach of these Terms and Conditions. The violation may result in expulsion, cancellation, or termination of the membership, the imposition of fees, and exclusion of the Member from signing up for memberships at NS Studio for a period set by NS Studio or permanently.

3.2. The Member’s access

The Member shall register at the reception to gain access to the NS Studio and the NS Studio’s facilities. The registration is personal and may not be done by others. Registration at the reception shall always be made before using the facilities at NS Studio. The Member is responsible for keeping their membership secure so that others do not use it, e.g. for unauthorized access or purchases. 

3.2.1. Guests at STAY Apartments Nordhavn  

Guests staying at STAY Apartments Nordhavn (hereinafter referred to as "STAY Guests'') are granted access to the fitness facilities located within NS Studio during the duration of their stay at STAY Apartments in Nordhavn. The access is exclusively restricted to the Fitness Space. Access to the NS Studio's Fitness Space is expressly limited to STAY Guests who are currently accommodated at STAY Apartments Nordhavn. Before utilizing the Fitness Space, STAY Guests are required to complete a registration process at the reception desk during its designated operating hours. STAY Guests are further reminded that they may only avail themselves of the fitness facilities during the standard operating hours of NS Studio, which are available on the official NS Studio website.

Please take note that NS Studio retains the discretion to temporarily withhold access to the Fitness Space for STAY Guests when it is deemed excessively crowded. Members of NS Studio are accorded the primary right to access the Fitness Space in such circumstances.

3.2.2. Members at Soho House Copenhagen 

Members of Soho House Copenhagen (hereinafter referred to as “Soho Members”) have access to NS Studio’s classes on Tuesdays and Fridays. Soho Members have ten reserved spots in NS Studio’s classes on Tuesday evenings and Friday evenings. Soho Members shall not register at the reception. However, NS Studio reserves the right to ask Soho Members for identification, which shows that they are Members of the Soho House. If Soho Members decline to provide this identification, NS Studio may deny them access to NS Studio's classes on Tuesdays and Fridays through the Soho Member access. Nevertheless, Soho Members can access the classes by paying an entrance fee on the same terms as non-Soho Members. The Company withholds the right to change the terms of Soho Membersø access to NS Studio. 

3.3. Personal training

Members can supplement their membership by purchasing personal training services as an add-on. Details and relevant terms for such purchases can be found on the NS Studio's website or can be obtained from NS Studio's reception.

3.4. Events 

NS Studio can be booked for private events. The specific terms and conditions governing such events will be detailed and communicated through the agreement negotiated with NS Studio. NS Studio retains the authority to temporarily close its facilities to all individuals, including Members, except for those expressly invited to the event. NS Studio shall not be held responsible for providing compensation or refunds for any paid memberships, whether for closed days or reduced operating hours during events. NS Studio shall notify Members in advance when the Studio is scheduled to be closed for events.

Failure to correctly resign from free events will incur a fee of 100 DKK. The deadline for resigning is specified in the Event terms.

3.5. Private agreements & Corporate agreements

Firms, companies, and other private parties have the option to engage in individual agreements with NS Studio for the utilisation of NS Studio and Spa facilities. The specific terms and conditions of such contracts between NS Studio and the private party will be established upon the finalisation of the agreement. It is important to note that NS Studio retains the discretion to accept and/or decline private agreements with private parties or any other cooperation proposals put forth by external entities.

3.6. Classes 

3.6.1. The Instructor's discretion to deny entry to a class

NS Studio retains the authority to refuse entry to a class for a Member once the class has commenced, and the door has been closed as per the scheduled start time. The door is considered closed at the exact time the class commences, and Members are not permitted to enter once this threshold has been reached. NS Studio strongly advises all Members to arrive at least 15 minutes prior to the scheduled class start time to ensure punctuality.

It is imperative to adhere to the following:

  • For Members using a class pass, arriving late to a class is equivalent to an improper cancellation of a class registration, as detailed in clause 3.8 .If the Member arrives at NS Studio before the class begins but after the scheduled start time, it will also be considered an improper cancellation of the registration, cf. clause 3.8. In such cases, a class credit will be deducted.
  • For Members with a Membership subscription, arriving late to a class is equivalent to an improper cancellation of a class registration, as detailed in clause 3.8. However, if a Member arrives at NS Studio before the class begins but after the scheduled start time, it will also be considered an improper cancellation of the registration. In such cases, no additional fees apply, but access to the class will be denied.

3.6.2. Waitlist for Classes
The Member has the option to join a waitlist for fully booked classes, with a maximum of 20 people on the waitlist. The waitlist will be closed 12 hours before the scheduled start time of the class. If the Member has not secured a spot on the class roster by this 12-hour deadline, the Member may actively register for the class if there are available spots remaining after the 12-hour mark.

It is imperative to adhere to the following:

  • Signing up for the waitlist does not guarantee the Member a spot in the class.
  • If the Member successfully secures a spot through the waitlist prior to the 12-hour limit, the rules for registration and deregistration form Classes at the NS Studio, cf. clause 3.8, applies. 

3.7. Registration for and deregistration from Classes

Specific membership categories grant Members access to the NS Studio’s  classes (hereinafter referred to as “classes”). The registration and cancellation of participation in these classes shall be conducted through NS Studio’s website or in the reception at NS Studio. Failure to complete the registration process for a class or to properly cancel a registration may result in a fee. Members holding a class pass will have a credit deducted from their class pass for improper cancellation of a class. For Members with a Membership, failure to properly cancel a class registration will result in a fee of 50 DKK.

It is imperative to adhere to the following cancellation deadline: For classes, cancellation must be completed no later than 12 hours before the scheduled class start time through NS Studio’s website or The Nordic Strong Studio app. 

3.8. Registration for and deregistration from Fitness Space

Specific membership categories grant Members access to the NS Studio's fitness space. The registration and cancellation of fitness space bookings must be conducted through the NS Studio’s website or the Nordic Strong Studio's App.

Failure to complete the registration process for the Fitness Space or to properly cancel a booking will result in a fee of 50 DKK. This fee is imposed due to the limited capacity of the Fitness Space, which can only accommodate a set number of individuals at any given time.

It is imperative to adhere to the following cancellation deadline:

For Fitness Space reservations, cancellation must be completed no later than 12 hours prior to the scheduled reservation time through NS Studio’s website or via the Nordic Strong Studio app.

3.9. Registration for and deregistration from Events

Specific membership categories grant Members access to the NS Studio's events. The registration and cancellation of booked spots for events must be conducted through the NS Studio’s website or the Nordic Strong Studio's app. Failure to complete the registration process for Events or to properly cancel a booking will result in a fee of 50 DKK. This fee is imposed because the Events have limited capacity, allowing only a specific number of individuals to attend.

It is imperative to adhere to the following cancellation deadline:

For Event reservations, cancellation must be completed no later than 12 hours prior to the scheduled reservation time through NS Studio’s website or via the Nordic Strong Studio app.

3.10. Health and personal injury 

All training at NS Studio is undertaken at the Member’s own risk. This means the Member is personally responsible for ensuring that the Member is in a suitable state of health to participate in activities at NS Studio and have acquired the necessary instructions to perform these activities correctly and safely. If the Member is under 18 years of age or legally incapacitated, it is the Member’s guardian’s responsibility to make sure that the Member is in a suitable state of health to participate in activities at NS Studio and have acquired the necessary instructions to perform these activities correctly and safely. NS Studio bears no liability for personal injuries resulting from non-compliance with the aforementioned requirements, accidents, or the actions or omissions of any other visitors. The general principles of Danish tort law are applicable. 

3.11. The Member’s valuables and property damages

Members are strongly encouraged to utilise the lockers offered by the Company to secure their personal belongings during their activities at NS Studio. The Company explicitly advises against bringing valuable items to the Studio or storing them in the lockers, as the lockers do not provide absolute protection against theft. It is crucial to acknowledge that the Company disclaims any responsibility or liability for any loss, theft, or damage to property that may occur on the premises of NS Studio. The lockers are located in the hallway in the basement, in the changing rooms and in the outdoor sauna.

3.12. Furniture and equipment care

The Member shall treat the furniture and fitness equipment within the NS Studio with the proper care. Any damage caused to these items should be promptly reported to the staff. Nordic Strong may request compensation from the Member for any damage caused to the Studio's furniture and equipment, with the amount of compensation determined by the extent of the damage. Please refrain from touching the lights in the hallway and in the studio where classes are held without obtaining formal approval from the staff.

3.13. Lost and Found
Items left behind and discovered by our staff, regardless of their nature, will be placed in the lost and found box. NS Studio will keep these items for one month before disposing of them.

3.14. Commercial activities 

Commercial activities, which include, but are not limited to, exercise guidance, personal training, nutritional counselling for third parties, or any other commercial ventures, may only be conducted at NS Studio with the explicit prior agreement and authorization from NS Studio.

3.15. Recordings and pictures

The Member acknowledges that while present at NS Studio, there is a possibility of being featured in photographs and/or videos that may be shared on NS Studio's social media accounts, website, and promotional materials to promote NS Studio. NS Studio intends to use these photographs and/or videos for promotional purposes, including but not limited to Instagram posts, stories, Facebook posts, publications, the website, and other promotional materials, in accordance with GDPR article 6(1)(f).The Member consents to NS Studio's right to publish, copyright, and employ images depicting the Member and/or the Member's story, captured within the Studio premises or associated with NS Studio's tag, across any of NS Studio's media platforms without any restrictions.The Company will use such content carefully. The Member acknowledges and agrees that they will not receive any form of payment or compensation for the Company’s use of the Member’s story, photos, or videos. It is imperative that all photographs and/or videos taken within NS Studio adhere to the NS Studio House Rules. Any breach of these rules in the context of photographs and/or videos will be considered a violation of Membership and these Membership Terms, and NS Studio will assess the consequences in accordance with clauses 6.3 or 6.4. Should the Member choose not to participate in the aforementioned photographs and/or videos or wish to have such content removed, they must promptly contact NS Studio's Staff, who will take the necessary steps to try and remove the content as soon as possible. The Member's rights in this regard are respected. However, it's important to note that NS Studio cannot guarantee that other Members’ will remove their posts, photographs and/or videos posted on their own social media platforms.

3.16. Gift certificate orders via NS Studio 

Gift certificate orders can be used at NS Studio and NS Studio’s website. The Company sends the purchased gift certificates to the e-mail address specified at the time of purchase when payment has been registered in the system. The payment is at the time of ordering. The gift certificate is valid until the date issued on the gift certificate and may only be redeemed during its validity period.  The gift certificate cannot be utilised beyond its expiry date, and any remaining balance will be forfeited, rendering the gift certificate invalid and unusable. The purchaser has the right to cancel the gift card transaction within 14 days of payment, with a full refund, unless the gift card has already been used. The 14-day withdrawal period commences upon receipt of the gift card. The gift certificate will not be replaced if it has expired, is lost, or stolen. The Company disclaims responsibility for any unauthorised use of the gift certificate. The gift certificate is non-redeemable for cash.  Unused portions of the voucher will not be credited or refunded. The gift certificate is not transferable to third parties as it is tied to a specific individual. The Company is not liable for damages or delays caused by force majeure events, such as strikes, lockouts, or communication disruptions. When purchasing a gift certificate, personal information will be handled with the utmost care and retained only for as long as necessary to facilitate its use. Before placing an order, customers are required to review and accept the current ordering and delivery terms. The gift certificate must be presented during its use. It can be presented electronically on a device or as a printed version during check-in at the reception in NS Studio.

3.17. Memberships with a specified commitment period

Members who have acquired a Membership with a specified commitment period are obligated to fulfil the payment obligations for the duration of that commitment period as outlined in their original agreement. However, they do retain the opportunity to participate in other challenges and promotions offered by NS Studio, which may grant them additional Memberships, each with their respective commitment periods. It is imperative to understand that any new membership obtained through these challenges or promotions will not become effective until after the conclusion of the Member's current membership commitment period. In other words, the commitment period of the new membership will begin once the initial membership and its associated commitment period have expired. Please note, that the Member is not permitted to terminate or withdraw from the commitment period before its scheduled conclusion once it has been accepted by the Member.Memberships with a specified commitment period are typically memberships won through challenges. 

3.18. Towels and shower facilities

The Member is, as a part of their Membership, Class Pass and/or SaunaGus session pass, permitted to borrow towels when visiting NS studio. The towels are to be used exclusively on NS Studio’s premises and must be promptly returned after use. Used towels should be placed in the designated laundry baskets located within the changing rooms, the Studio, or the Fitness Space. Misappropriation or removal of towels from NS Studio's premises without authorization is a serious violation of these terms and conditions and can result in expulsion, as outlined in paragraph 6.4.

The Member can use complimentary shower facilities provided by NS Studio. These facilities include shampoo, conditioner, body wash, handwash, body balm, hand balm, and a hair dryer. Please note that these complimentary shower items are the property of the company and must not be taken off the premises. They are meant exclusively for use at NS Studio. Misappropriation or removal of these complimentary shower items from NS Studio's premises without authorization is a serious violation of these terms and conditions and can result in expulsion, as outlined in paragraph 6.4. If a member wishes to take these items home, they can purchase a new but similar product through NS Studio’s website or at the NS Studio reception.

4. Payment 

The Member is responsible for making monthly payments for the rolling membership and any other applicable fees and service charges based on NS Studio's current pricing, which is in effect at the time of payment. This payment obligation also extends to guardians or individuals who have assumed legal responsibility for the membership, as well as any other payers. To maintain a rolling NS Studio membership, the Member is required to set up automatic payments through a payment service designated by NS Studio.

Monthly membership payments and other fees/payments are typically processed on the agreed-upon date, except during the initial registration, when the first membership period and any startup fee are due. It is the Member's responsibility to ensure the timely settlement of membership dues, fees, and service charges.

Bills and invoices will be accessible in the "Payments" section, and charges will remain available for viewing in "Payments" for a duration of six months.

4.1. Payment service for automatic payments 

When a membership is initially purchased, subsequent monthly renewals will be automatically processed at the start of each calendar month, in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth by the payment service designated by NS Studio.

It is the sole responsibility of the Member or any other designated Payer to ensure that timely payments are made in accordance with this schedule.

4.2.  Reminder and Suspension policy 

If a payment is not received on time, NS Studio will issue a reminder through electronic communication. A reminder fee, as specified on NS Studio's official price page, will be levied.If the Member fails to make the required payment within ten days after the specified due date, NS Studio reserves the right to issue a second reminder with an additional fee. Should the Member still not settle the outstanding amount within ten days following the second reminder, NS Studio reserves the right to send a final reminder with an increased reminder fee. If the outstanding balance remains unpaid after the third reminder, NS Studio may suspend the membership without prior notice. This suspension will prevent the Member from accessing the facilities or benefits. NS Studio retains the prerogative to promptly collect the entire outstanding amount for the remainder of the relevant payment period. During the suspension period, the Member is prohibited from using, altering, or exercising their membership until the entire outstanding balance is settled with NS Studio, and appropriate documentation has been presented. NS Studio, either independently or through a designated partner, has the authority to recover the outstanding amount, reminder fees, late payment charges, and may report delinquent payers to RKI/Experian, following RKI's prevailing terms. Associated fees will be determined by NS Studio or its external partners. In the case of a receivable owed to the Member by NS Studio, such amounts will typically be credited toward future membership dues. If the Member or Other Payer believes they are owed a receivable upon membership termination, they must contact NS Studio's member service via the contact form available on NS Studio’s website.

5. Modifications of Membership Terms 

5.1. Modifications to these Membership Terms

The Company reserves the right to modify these terms and conditions at any time, and these changes will be binding on Members. Modifications and/or changes will be announced no later than 30 days prior to their effective date through NS Studio's digital channels or via email sent directly to the Member. The Member has the right to terminate their membership in accordance with the current termination period if they do not wish to accept the new applicable terms. Information on the termination procedure can be found on NS Studio’s website.

6. Termination of Membership

6.1. Member's termination

The Member has the option to terminate their membership with one month's notice. For instance, if the Member initiates their membership termination on November 13th, their membership will conclude on December 31st. To terminate their membership, the Member must do so through the NS Studio’s website or in person at the NS Studio reception.

Upon submitting their termination request, the Member will receive a confirmation of termination from NS Studio. In cases where there is uncertainty regarding the termination status, it is the responsibility of the Member or Other Payer to provide evidence that the membership has indeed been terminated.

6.2. Member’s Termination from Memberships with a specified commitment period

The Member is not permitted to terminate or withdraw from the commitment period before its scheduled conclusion once it has been accepted by the Member, unless such an agreement has been formally documented in writing by NS Studio.

All special offer memberships purchased after January 1st, 2023, have a commitment period of at least three months. The Member cannot terminate the Membership before the commitment period has expired.

However, the  Member has the option to request membership termination during the commitment period. If they do so, their membership will conclude once the commitment period ends. If a member does not terminate their membership before the commitment period's conclusion, it will automatically continue under the same terms as other memberships of the same category or name.However, members have the option to request membership termination during the commitment period. If they do so, their membership will conclude once the commitment period ends. If a member does not terminate their membership before the commitment period's conclusion, it will automatically continue under the same terms as other memberships of the same category or name.

6.3. NS Studio’s cancellation of the Member’s membership

NS Studio retains the unilateral right to terminate the Member's membership without providing an explanation. In these instances, any unused prepaid quotas will be refunded to the Member. The Member's membership may be cancelled by NS Studio due to late or non-payment of outstanding amounts, misuse of the membership, or violation of the House Rules.

6.4. Expulsion 

In the event of a significant violation of NS Studio's regulations, such as lending the membership to someone other than the member or if the member significantly breaches the house rules, NS Studio reserves the right to terminate the member's access to NS Studio without issuing a refund for any deposits.

6.4.1. Doping & other subjects 

NS Studio maintains a collaboration with Anti Doping Denmark (ADD) and, as a result, unequivocally condemns any involvement in doping activities. The Member is obligated to comply with doping tests upon request by a representative of ADD. Refusal by the Member to undergo doping tests will be treated as a positive test result. A positive test will be deemed a severe violation of NS Studio's regulations, resulting in immediate expulsion as per clause 6.4.

6.4.2. Alcohol and other subjects
Members and third parties are strictly prohibited from consuming tobacco, e-cigarettes, and alcohol on the Studio’s premises unless expressly authorised by NS Studio, unless specifically authorised by NS Studio. Authorised occasions can be Events or Friday evening bubbles. Any Member found in possession of or under the influence of these substances will face expulsion in accordance with clause 6.4.

7. Right of cancellation by the Member

7.1. The Member’s right to cancel a Membership, class pass or SaunaGus session pass

When a membership, class pass or SaunaGus session pass is purchased, the Member possesses a 14-day right of cancellation, commencing from the date the membership, class pass, SaunaGus session pass was purchased. If the expiration of this period falls on a public holiday, Christmas Eve, or New Year's Eve, the Member may postpone the exercise of their right of withdrawal until the subsequent working day.

8. Sauna

8.1. Opening Hours
Access to the outdoor sauna is available with prior approval from NS Studio's staff. The outdoor sauna is typically open from October 1st to May 1st, operating during the following times, although there may be exceptions where it operates for shorter periods:

  • Mondays to Thursdays: 6.00 am to 8.30 pm
  • Fridays: 6.00 am to 7.30 pm
  • Saturdays and Sundays: 7.30 am to 5.30 pm

During the summer period, from June 1st to August 31st, the sauna is not operational during regular hours. However, it is accessible to Sauna Club Members or NS Members with sauna access. To gain access to the sauna, the Member is required to request sauna activation before arrival, as it is not operational by default. Please note that the activation process may take up to 1 hour.

8.2. Sauna Rules

Access and Hygiene:

  • The sauna is exclusively for Members, and guests require prior approval.
  • All members must shower before entering the sauna.
  • Members should remove clothing and jewellery, wear swimwear inside, and sit on a towel for comfort and to protect the wooden benches.

Hydration and Footwear:

  • Members should ensure they are adequately hydrated before entering the sauna.
  • No shoes are allowed in the sauna area; please leave them on the designated shoe shelf.

Sauna Use:

  • Do not splash or pour water onto the sauna stove without permission.
  • Oils or fragrances are not allowed without prior consent.
  • Keep conversations quiet and respectful.
  • No physical activities, sports, or inappropriate behaviour.

Sauna Etiquette:

  • Gently close doors and gates to maintain a peaceful atmosphere.
  • Only bring drinking water into the sauna; no alcohol, beer, juice, milk, or food. Only bring it in paper cups.
  • Children under 18 can enter with prior approval, but those under 15 are not allowed.
  • Adhere to bathing rules set by Copenhagen Municipality and the City and Port, including designated areas, swimwear requirements, and restrictions for children under 18 during winter months.
  • When participating in a SaunaGus session, it is essential to follow the instructions provided by the gusmaster at all times.
10. Sauna Club

10.1. General
These terms and conditions apply to individuals who are members of the Sauna Club at NS Studio (hereinafter referred to as "the Member"). While these terms and conditions are part of the overall Terms and Conditions for Members at Nordic Strong, they specify the particular requirements for Sauna Club members. Sauna Club members should make sure to review the comprehensive Terms and Conditions for Members at Nordic Strong. In case of any doubts or missing information in the Sauna Club terms, they will be interpreted in alignment with the Membership Terms and Conditions for Members at Nordic Strong.

10.2. Membership
To obtain Sauna Club membership, applicants must submit an enrollment fee along with a monthly subscription payment. The exact amounts for the enrollment fee and monthly subscription are available on the Company's website or the Nordic Strong Studio app. Membership remains active and automatically renews on a monthly basis unless the Member chooses to terminate it.

10.3. Access
Members of the Sauna Club have limited access to the NS Studio, specifically to the outdoor sauna area, which includes the outdoor sauna, lockers, restroom, and shower facilities located in the outdoor sauna building. The membership does not give access to the Studio’s other facilities, including fitness space, classes, or indoor changing rooms.

To enter the outdoor sauna area, the Member will receive a chip, which must be scanned at the outdoor sauna door for access. The chip is strictly personal and may not be shared with others. Any sharing or misuse of the chip, if discovered by the Company, will result in immediate expulsion from both the Sauna Club and NS Studio. Upon the conclusion of the membership, the Member must return the chip to the Studio's reception. Failure to return the chip will give the Company the right to charge the Member 50 DKK for its replacement. If the Member loses the chip, they must notify the reception immediately to have it blocked. The Member may purchase a new chip for 50 DKK. Each sauna club membership is limited to one chip per Member.

The implementation period for the chip system may take a few months. During this period, Members shall register at the reception upon arrival to receive access to the sauna.

10.4. Guests
Entry of individuals who do not hold Sauna Club membership, lack an active Studio membership granting sauna access, or do not possess a valid SaunaGus session pass into the sauna area is strictly prohibited. Violation of this rule will result in immediate expulsion from both the Sauna Club and the Studio. Guests who do not meet the aforementioned criteria may gain access to the sauna by paying an entrance fee at the reception. Members are only authorized to bring non-paying guests after obtaining prior written consent from the Company.

10.5. Use of Sauna
Sauna Club members are required to familiarize themselves with the Outdoor Sauna Rules before entering the sauna area, as these rules are applicable for everyone using the outdoor sauna. The NS Studio's House Rules apply to the outdoor sauna area.

10.6. Opening Hours, Events, and SaunaGus Sessions
Members of the Sauna Club can access the outdoor sauna area during the Studio's regular opening hours, which are available on the Company's website. Please note that the Studio's opening hours may vary on public holidays. The Member may not use the outdoor sauna during SaunaGus sessions unless the Member has a SaunaGus session pass or pays an additional fee. Participants in SaunaGus sessions have first right of entry into the outdoor sauna area during these sessions. The schedule of the SaunaGus sessions is available on the Studio's website.

The Company retains the authority to temporarily close the outdoor sauna area to all individuals, including Members, during events, except for those expressly invited to the event. In the event of such closures, the Company shall not be held responsible for providing compensation or refunds for any paid memberships, whether for closed days or reduced operating hours. The Company will notify Members in advance when the studio is scheduled to be closed for events, which can be held on Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays.

When participating in a SaunaGus session, it is essential to follow the instructions provided by the gusmaster at all times. Participants are responsible for their actions before and after the session, including personal hygiene and any other preparations. It is the Member's responsibility to stay informed about the rules and guidelines related to SaunaGus and to ensure that they adhere to them throughout the experience.

10.7. Temperature
The sauna temperature may vary throughout the day to accommodate changing weather conditions, and it may not be operational at all hours. The sauna is consistently active during the following times, on weekdays, except Fridays, when NS Studio is open: 6 am to 10 am and 4 pm to 8 pm; on Fridays: 6 am to 10 am and 4 pm to 7 pm; and on weekends: 8 am to 3 pm. If a Member wants to use the sauna outside of these hours, they should ask the Receptionist to activate it. It may take up to one hour for the sauna to reach the desired temperature.

10.8. Towel Rental and Shower Facilities
Members of the Sauna Club are responsible for bringing their own towels; however, they may rent a towel for 25 DKK at the NS Studio's reception. Rented towels are to be used exclusively on NS Studio’s premises and must be promptly returned after use. Used towels should be placed in the designated laundry baskets located within the outdoor sauna or at the NS Studio’s reception. Misappropriation or removal of towels from NS Studio's premises without authorization is a serious violation of the Terms and Conditions for Members at Nordic Strong and can result in expulsion, as outlined in paragraph 6.4.

Members can use complimentary shower facilities provided by NS Studio. These facilities include shampoo, conditioner, body wash, handwash, body balm, hand balm, and a hair dryer. Please note that these complimentary shower items are the property of the Company and must not be taken off the premises. They are meant exclusively for use at NS Studio. Misappropriation or removal of these complimentary shower items from NS Studio's premises without authorization is a serious violation of these terms and conditions and can result in expulsion, as outlined in paragraph 6.4. If a Member wishes to take these items home, they can purchase a similar product through the Company's website or at the NS Studio reception.

Last updated: September 2024