Vision and Collaboration
Dive into the journey of Nordic Strong - our evolving concept, the creation of our unique training community, and the inspiration behind it. Discover the vision and passion of our founders that drive everything we do.
For business inquiries or collaboration opportunities, we’d love to hear from you. Feel free to reach out!


Saunagus hos Nordic Strong: Din ultimative vint...
Oplev saunagus hos Nordic Strong – en unik kombination af varme, aromaterapi og vinterbadning.

Reducér Stress og Styrk Samarbejde
Udover at reducere stress kan breathwork også bruges som et værktøj til teambuilding. Når medarbejderne deltager i åndedrætsøvelser sammen, skaber det en følelse af fællesskab og samhørighed, hvilket kan forbedre...

Julefrokost 2024 i København hos Nordic Strong
Overrask dine kollegaer til årets julefrokost med underholdning i København hos Nordic Strong. Få aktive oplevelser og sjove aktiviteter! Nordic Strong tilbyder underholdning til årets julefrokost i København En aktiv træning som...

Underholdning til årets julefrokost - Træning i...
Giv den årlige julefrokost et tvist med en træning i Nordic Strong. Fokuser på teambuilding og gøres jeres dag sjov og mindeværdig dag! Julefrokost 2024 i Nordic Strong Julefrokoster er en...

Ski Workout Machine: The Benefits of the Nordic...
Ski Workout Machine: The Benefits of the Nordic Trainer Nordic skiing is a popular winter sport that requires a great deal of physical endurance and strength. It is also a...

Træn op til Vasaløbet 2025 med Nordic Strong
Drømmer du om at være med til det traditionsrige Vasaløbet? Så har vi gode nyheder. Vores Vasaloppet-træning hos Nordic Strong er tilbage for tredje gang og starter den 5. september...

Nordic Strong is the ultimate workout for women...
One of the unique things about the workout offered through the Nordic Trainer machine and the workout classes at Nordic Strong is that their low-impact nature makes it a great...

Your guide to the 3 different workouts at Nordi...
At Nordic Strong, we offer three unique classes designed to cater to various fitness goals and to diversify your workout routine. The three signature classes at Nordic Strong are Nordic...

4 members share what they love about working ou...
What is so unique about Nordic Strong? We can name a few aspects. For example the use of the Nordic Trainer and the workout concept that engages 96% of your...

Nordic Trainer: The most effective machine for ...
The Nordic Trainer is a highly effective machine that offers the ultimate workout at home. With the machine, 96% of your body's muscles are activated, and with the Nordic Trainer...

Meet Nordic Strong's energy bomb, Nanna Meyer: ...
Nanna Meyer is one of the founding instructors at Nordic Strong, and her never-wavering energy fills up every class she teaches at Nordic Strong with good vibes and creates the perfect...

Nordic Trainer: Den mest effektive maskine til ...
Kender du det der med, at det kan være så svært og ikke mindst tidskrævende at tage sig sammen til at dukke op til træning? Det kender vi godt, og...

Meet Nordic Strong's Head Coach, Jamilla: "I wa...
At Nordic Strong, our head instructor, Jamilla, is not just a fitness expert but an inspiring force dedicated to transforming lives through health and wellness. With a strong commitment to...